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┌► Index ◄───────────────────────────────────────────┐
│[0x01 ─► Reasoning] │
│[0x02 ─► Main Information] │
│[0x03 ─► Family] │
│[0x04 ─► Closing / Sources] │
│[0x05 ─► Misc / G Shit] │
┌► Council ◄─────────────────────────────────────────┐
│Doxbin Support: Yo G we needa talk abt the leak G. │
│2C44 Owners: Nigga you got raped like egg │
┌► 0x01 - Reasoning ◄────────────────────────────────┐
│ Brownie, also known as Christopher Vancura is a │
│ plague to the HvH community, mostly known for │
│ being a chronic ddoser, sending malware to │
│ unsuspecting friends of his, pasting 2018 hacks, │
│ and being in his 30s on a game mostly played by │
│ teenagers. He has previously been doxed, but it │
│ was not up to my standards, so I will include │
│ more information here. │
┌► 0x2 - IRL Information ◄───────────────────────────┐
│ │
├─►Personal Info │
├►Name: Christopher William Vancura │
├►Height: 6'3 │
├►DOB: 1995/02/09 -- 30 Years old, happy birthday! │
├►Occupation: collecting unemployment checks │
│ │
│ │
├►Phone #'s: +19492016891, +19492359779 │
│ │
├─►Home info │
├► State: California │
├► City: Rancho Santa Margarita │
├► Zipcode: 92688 │
├► Old Address: 11 Spinel Ct (Sold Recently) │
├► Price: 1.5 million │ Note: He leeches off of his rich mother at 30 years of age.
├► New Address: 114 Aliento │ Note: Possibly incorrect.
├► Appt #: 303 │ Note: Possibly incorrect.
├► Price: $2000 / month rent │
┌► 0x2 - Online Information ◄────────────────────────┐
│ │
├►Aliases: Brownie1337, Devour, iljs2134 │
│ │
├─►Accounts (Only relevant ones): │
├► Telegram: https://t.me/iljs2134 │ Note: Dude has his full name as username LOL.
├► Cheats: No point in listing them all here, │
├► he goes by the 'iljs2134' alias on most of them. │
│ │
├─►Emails: │
├►cvancura07@gmail.com │
├►cvancura08@gmail.com │
├►chris.vancura@gmail.com │
├►cvancura08@proton.me │
├►chris.vancura@proton.me │
│ │
├─►Commonly used passwords: │
├►Thc90210! │
├►otisVan8! │
├►hamtramT58! │
├►miloVan6! │
├►kibaVan8! │
│ │
├─►Cookies (Only the funny ones): │
├►.loans-offers.bankrate.com │
├►.plaingreenloans.com │
├►.moneylion.com │
├►.257lendinggroup.com │
├►.speedycash.com │
│ │
│ I wonder if he was looking at loan websites │
│ because his rich mother stopped giving him money? │
┌► 0x3 - Family ◄────────────────────────────────────┐
│ In most cases I am not in support of doxing family │
│ members, but they clearly have something to do with│
│ how this retard turned out so im doing it anyways! │
┌► 0x3 - Dad ◄───────────────────────────────────────┐
├►Name: Anthony Paul Vancura │ Note: Also goes by "tony"
├►DOB: June 29th, 1960 │
├►Died: December 16th, 2018 │ Source: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/anthony-vancura-obituary?pid=191067301 (dont be mean ^-^)
├►Address: Hell (Formerly 11 Spinel CT) │
┌► 0x3 - Mother ◄────────────────────────────────────┐
├─►Personal Info │
├►Name: Kathleen (Whore) Vancura │
├►DOB: Febuary, 1959 │
├►Phone #: +19492019879 │
│ │
├─►Home info │ Note: Take all of this with a grain of salt, her old house sold very recently so it could all be wrong
├► State: California │
├► City: Mission Viejo │
├► Zipcode: 92692 │
├► Address: 28051 Via Tirso │
├► Price: $895,000 │
┌► 0x04 - Closing ◄──────────────────────────────────┐
│ To Brownie: 2c44 owns you shit dog you will never │
│ be known as anything other than a EAX paster and a │
│ degenerate retard. │
┌► 0x04 - Credits ◄──────────────────────────────────┐
│ Thank you to the few people I wont name that │
│ helped with getting some of the info, and thanks │
│ To Retro/Zeroluck for creating the original │
│ HvH.net forum post about this faggot. │
│ SUPER special shoutout to whoever redlined him XD │
┌► 0x05 - Misc ◄─────────────────────────────────────┐
│ I have a threadripper. No way this nigga gettin │
│ fail doxxed with this shit on bd. │
├─►Screenshots │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/efqjib.png ─► ddosing nn │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/uh9dtm.png ─► ugly af │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/ix0e73.png ─► Ascii Nigga │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/8anq3m.png ─► Boiiiiii │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/dlihmm.png ─► Boii Ascii │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/wwxy3m.jpg ─► Contact nya │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/lb96de.png ─► bricksquad │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/p0j5w8.png ─► boi │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/x75f2r.png ─► CaseID │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/i68ij9.png ─► Yo G │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/cizbzw.png ─► Brownie Net │
│ https://files.catbox.moe/8fhcck.png ─► Sk1tCh1t │
** _____
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